Zox, Brand New, and a New Entry For You!
So I guess i'm covering two weeks in this entry.
Which will put us back to weekend of the 21st. On friday night went to Newport to see Kevin Devine (not to be confused with little kevin) and Brand New. Show was fantastic. I bought Kevin's cd which is my latest obsession. Brand New played all there oldies and a couple of new songs, but mainly it was one big sing along. Show ended with Tommy Gun, which I sung all the words at the top of my lungs. lol. I stayed in Newport with maryanne who had a condo. It was nice, right downtown on the water. Milled around then went to warwick and went shopping. Then came home for our 1st spanish bookstudy. (all of nagging finally payed off!) unfortunately its on saturday nights at 6! Who does that? But anyways, there was like 35 people their, only 8 were spanish (4 adults, 4 ninos). haha.
The rest of the weekend I just layed around the house because I was tired, and really didn't feel like going anywhere. The next week did a whole lotta service, because I was behind and waited till the last week to make it up. Wednesday some kids from New Bedford came down and we had a jam session. It was fun to play music with a band again. They'll be down again this week to play.
Saturday (the 29th) went out in service till 3 then "Summer" came down for the weekend. We went to spanish bookstudy and then went to the Zox concert. State Radio from boston opened for them, there a really cool reggae band. Saw a bunch of girls there. In fact there were a lot of girls in general there. Zox was amazing. They played for almost 2 hours. And I danced on the balcony. And saw Stanton crowd surfing, no one was impressed. Then went to Thayer St with Al, jordank II, and summer. And I got 2 spike junkyard dogs. mmmmmmm. Just thinking about them makes me happy.
Sunday more service in the Am. (Made my time!) Then Special talk. I enjoyed it. After went to a "gathering of sorts" at Lisas. And played volleyball. Which means summer is here! And then played a bunch of music and got home wicked late. That's it. Today is monday, I worked and took the day off from service to nap. Now back to bed I go, sorry this blog makes no sense, its pretty late.