Pretty in Pastel

~* Jordank's Blog *~

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Beantown, Skip Bennington, Maine, Sunday River, and Rog and Ray

Well that title says it all. Although i'm sure your thinking jordan k, what is this craziness you speak of?

Have no fear my friends. What a busy weekend it was. Busy week of service and such friday night watched Mean Girls with King nick. Saturday slept in, because well i'm a very lazy human being. Saturday night Tk came up from Jersey with his friend Simon. We headed up to Boston actually it was Somerville for a fabulous gathering of sorts. (aka a good ol fashion house party) It was really cool because it was in this old Church downtown that they are converting into condos. How cool is that? It was an island party, which is funny in itself. I went dressed as a Rhode Islander (hey I thought it was funny) People got really into it. Saw some peeps from boston that I haven't seen in a while which was great. Including Skip Bennington, Yacht enthusiasts, and cleaning entrepreneur. He summer's in the Cape. Salsa danced, played pool, what have u. Then I stayed with some Haitian Chicks who were awesome, and after having no lie -4 hrs sleep we got up for morning meeting. With Co of course of course. Then lunch in Harvard square and off to Maine to see the fam.

So I have relatives in Maine, we drove up there sunday afternoon. We stayed with them, they had some people over for a dinner party. Then they have a movie theatre, in there garage. They install home theatre systems for a living so they had one of the best demo setups i've seen. (and i'm a big nerd) Watched a movie and then went to bed.

Monday went to Sunday River !! It was the last day of the season so it was free lift ticket day! Normally $40-50. I did about 3 runs before I fell and go the wind knocked out of me SHOCKER But I was determined, I caught my breath did a couple of more runs, then fell again, this time harder and got the wind knocked out of me again! If you've never had that happen to you, phew, its scary. The conditions were slushy so when you would try to stop it was hard to carve. So when I fell I went down and just slid (thank jah for my helmet) And when you stop and try to catch your breath and can't breath....horrible feeling. So I went back to the lodge to eat/rest up. While there there was a two guys playing music Rog and Ray. They were a Jimmy Buffett style band. They played guitars, bass, pianos, everything. Well they had congas setup and they called people out of the audience to play. They had me go up, and they liked me a lot lol. So I played the first set, then they called me again and played the second set ! HA. It was fun I heart playing and it was good times, they gave me a shaker egg. (whoooo hooooo)

Rocking out in Snow Gear!

Left Sunday River and my concert debut. Brought Anthony home, then headed home. It was a quick trip which was nice. Spent tuesday recovering and catching up. So that was it what a weekend. Yesterday wednesday had band practice with a new kinda of sort of band it was fabulous. So that's it, im off for now. Can't wait for tomorrow.
"don't you dare forget" ~Brand New~

2 People Heart Me:

At 4/21/2006 1:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous People Heart Me...

jordan-was there ANY snow on the mountain!?! look at those pictures! looks like FAB conditions:)

At 4/22/2006 1:47 PM, Blogger Jordan K People Heart Me...

Umm jody has left the building. And i'm afraid of flys. Yes aud there was snow, I think there was 20 something trails open. It just happend to be the spot I was in front of was one of the closed trails.


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