Pretty in Pastel

~* Jordank's Blog *~

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Quick one for ya'll

Two weeks since last posting, yet nothing exciting.

Sorry. So let's see, nothing really. My weeks have been so full lately that the weekends I've just been staying local. Last weekend, bartending on friday and saturday went over the fluff's had dinner and hung out. Then watched what about bob. mmmmmm, love that movie. Sunday I was inspired by the WT so I went for a hike with some peeps from my hall. Well, I met them their. They failed to mention that there were 2 paths, they went to the right. Well stupid me, I followed Reba and went left. 1.5 miles later, (most of which was ran) I realized that I was on the wrong path. Two hiker's who said No ones here, confirmed this. So went back down to the begginning and started on the 2nd trail. Why do I do this to myself? After that went to hoptown, then passed out from exhaustion lol.

The memorial was this week. Always exciting. 246 people came! I know. It was a packed house. Service was really good this week. I think the weather and the memorial season always puts everyone in a good mood. So hollar at that.

Last night, Friday, watched Mean Girls with NK. Great Flix. Now i'm home cleaning and packing. I'm going to a party tonight in Beantown, then going to Maine. yes i'm crazy It's the last day of the season for Sunday River, so it's ride all day free and BBQ. So i'm sleeping up in Maine and boarding all day monday! So pscyhed for Spring Boarding! And I have a helmet now, so I don't think their will be any concussions but if there is, I know who to call....K 2 the lee just passed her state board's. So congratulations to K 2 the lee, RN.

In other news, the Kittrick's household has come down with a pandemic of cold nastiness. Mainly just my rent's. So i've been taking airborne like it's my job. Stuff tastes pretty good, but I doubt it works. Let's hope that it misses me.
Here's to you airborne, and everyone have a fabulous weekend !

1 People Heart Me:

At 5/24/2006 8:05 AM, Blogger M Kenyon People Heart Me...

Airborne is awesomestuff. Also, to really keep away the germ badness, chop some garlic into small pieces, and swallow it like pills. (Don't chew, that's gross.)

If you eat enough, not only will the germs stay away, but the germy people!


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