Pretty in Pastel

~* Jordank's Blog *~

Monday, March 20, 2006

Two Blog Entry's for the Price of 1

I know, I'm updating. In fact, i'm doing two at once. So read this and scroll down, or read the previous first so it makes sense.

I'll call this one, A lot of spiritual food.

Friday was the pioneer Seminar. I always look forward to these every year. The information is outstanding. Honestly, its just so great how you come away from their, I know I'm always beaming. And ready to do some serious door to door. And studying, because that was the theme. And it's cool because you see all the pioneers from the circuit. I believe their were 186 people there, but I'm not sure on that one. It was cool to see people from pioneer school. I saw a few I hadn't seen since then. My favorite sister Mayben! She's awesome, "Shooot I thought you fell out of the truth or somethin'" haha, not quite. So that was nice, then went out to dinner with tights and corto.

Saturday. The circuit assembly. Which I can not remember the title too, cause i'm a loser, but hey I asked my mom and she doesnt know either, so thats ok. Again so much good information. King Nick got baptized. I was so excited. But sad because I can't count time with him anymore. haha Totally kidding nick, but congratulations. Saw so many friends from the circuit and some well uhh other's. I stayed up with nonnie at a hotel. I was so sleepy I think I went to bed at 9:50 on saturday night.

Sunday got up at 8, so nice. The needs of the circuit were really good, gave everyone a lot to think about. Myspace = the devil. And the public address from the Do was awesome. And theres some rumors going around about me. So yes, Im dating. I heart NM. And thats that. Went out to dinner after the assembly on sunday. It was great. The union street brewery in prov is great. Watched a movie on the car ride. (best car ever wilbur) Today I had an awesome service day. Which was the iceing on the cake of a very uplifting weekend!

2 People Heart Me:

At 3/20/2006 6:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous People Heart Me...

i second corto's opinion about the blogging. very informative weekend apparently in more ways then one. rock on bri2! i say....crack some flipping skulls!

At 3/29/2006 6:13 AM, Blogger M Kenyon People Heart Me...

NM? Can you elaborate?


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