Pretty in Pastel

~* Jordank's Blog *~

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Tis the Season to be sick...or on vacation

That seems to be the current trend.

I just got home from the meeting in which their was about 45 people there. Ok so maybe I am exaggerating, but i'm close. Seems like most people these days are either sick or on vacation. Unfortunately i'm part of the latter group. I've had this stupid cold thing for a week, it's finally leaving my body (thankfully). I've had a steady diet of Dayquil then Nyquil. My mom is telling me to stop taking it, but for some reason I can't. I don't have an addiction, I can quit anytime. I can. Look i'm stopping now.

So that's it. I know not very exciting. I just wanted to update, because I know its been a while. And I don't even have anything exciting to say, because I've been home, so, so sorry sir. This weekend should be good, i'm going to a wedding in Cambridge (beantown), which I think i'm guest/bartender. And were staying at a hotel so good times will be had, i'll report when I return. So now i'll leave you with a joke.
Have a good weekend...

A salesman is driving toward home in Arizona when he sees a Navajo man hitchhiking. Because the trip had been long, he stops the car and the Navajo man climbs in.

During their small talk, the Navajo man glances surreptitiously at a brown bag on the front seat between them.

"If you're wondering what's in the bag," offers the salesman, "it's a bottle of wine. I got it for my wife."

The Navajo man is silent for awhile, nods several times and says, "Good trade."

4 People Heart Me:

At 2/17/2006 1:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous People Heart Me...

your bloggs are loosing their umphff! i did like the navajo joke. but it doesn't make up for that stupid pocahantas movie. so mad at those indians.

At 2/22/2006 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous People Heart Me...

Jordank- i figured i'd show some love since i've been sick since monday. i spent my presidents day holiday home drinking soup and green tea. i went to work and the meeting sick on tuesday, and i'm starting to feel a little better today. get well soon!:)

At 2/23/2006 8:35 PM, Blogger Jordan K People Heart Me...

Thanks gregis. I know the blog's have been lacking. But even this past weekend that I was supposed to go to that wedding I mentioned, I got an ear infection. So no wedding. Being sick is crap. So this is my blog update. Cause until I do something exciting, i'll just prob be home sick lol.

At 2/28/2006 9:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous People Heart Me...

i used to belong to the vacation club, but now i belong in the sick club...can i join??


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