Pretty in Pastel

~* Jordank's Blog *~

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Gathering of Sorts

Lol no it's a party.

Super busy weekend. Tk came home and the villagers rejoiced (yeaah). He brought with him Richard (dickey) from England who was staying with us. And yes we did our best to show him true americans oi oi. So we had as tk calls it a "gathering of sorts" at our house. Just last minute some like 15 peeps came over. It was fun tho played some music, food, beverages, mafia game, more beverages and called it a night. Mafia was histerical if youve never played it, play it at your next party. Poor fluffy kept getting killed every round first person. And Dr. huckestable (mcgurn) usually was the one doing it.

Saturday last minute again, went to Boston. Walked around it was wicked cold. Then went to Jacamo's (def spelled wrong) and had dinner. And I must say my ravolies were very good this time around. Props to k2thelee for again making me go there, it was delicous. Then went and chilled at J-gains apartment before heading out. Which then we drove home, changed and went to New London. haha. Got to the house party at 10. Lost of dancing. Good food good times. Fav scene of the night, umm tk doing the cha cha slide. Oh man so bad, yet so good too. Oh and at 12:30 dancing with Leah to Aqueous Transmission, which was actually more of a tai chi movement. I'm beat off to bed. Spanish meeting tomorrow and maybe band practice?

Oh and in case you were wondering the below posting was updated. Anyone who would like to edit content on this blog let me know, because I am a horrible judge of crossing the line. Oh well, at least anynomous loves me.

7 People Heart Me:

At 12/11/2005 9:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous People Heart Me...

much better. your learning.
giacomos butternut squash ravioli's mmmmmmmmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. you know what that means. let's not bicker and argue over who had the better ravioli's.

What the curtains?

At 12/11/2005 11:45 AM, Blogger Justine D People Heart Me...

I knew it was cortopassi!!

At 12/11/2005 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous People Heart Me...

I just want to say (other than your spelling is atrocious!) that - if you want to spill your guts on the web, I will gladly spring for a diary for you. Your laundry is ready for you darlin' and your poor, tired father is at Walmart's getting a wiper blade for you -while you are out galavanting. Show some pity and appreciation. You should rub his feet for him...............Signed, YoMamma

At 12/11/2005 7:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous People Heart Me...

i am ugly, and it's a sin.
that i admit i might be kin,
if I don't make sense,
like the towel I'm off the fence.
at least I've decided,
it's not you that needs to be derided.
TK... tk? where'd he go?
why's he think he is the SHow!
ok thats all from me of the Rhyming
I've killed you all with my lack of timing.

At 12/11/2005 9:29 PM, Blogger Jordan K People Heart Me...

Your name is Phil,
you need to chill.
You sign my blog,
and have a fat dog.
Leaving stupid stuff,
cause you think your tough.
If this mess keeps going,
your car I will be towing.
So do us all a favor phil,

lol i love that my mom signed my blog. That made my evening, esp getting home to a mountain of laundry

At 12/12/2005 5:09 PM, Blogger Justine D People Heart Me...

hey can someone write a poem for me? I'm doing poetry in Languge arts!!

At 12/13/2005 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous People Heart Me...

i think there were a lot more cheaters on friday night then just lafountain...and his attempt at trying to tell D who was the very disappointed in all of you!!


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