Pretty in Pastel

~* Jordank's Blog *~

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Mall Rats

A new happier version of an Old Post.

Nick and Trish are visiting from Florida so i've spent almost every day with them. Which was really nice to see them and catch up on things. Friday was work then service. Night was all the sushi I could consume ( and let me tell you its a lot). Then went to Perks and Quirks hung out with some acquaintances and friends. Andrew Spats was playing hes wicked awesome. And for his second set I went home and busted out my Djemba and tambourine and played the second set with him. It was so much fun. We played beatles, neil diamond, Bob Dylan and other stuff I didnt even know. People clapped and I made $5 bucks in tips (alright giggity giggity) I may play again next wednesday, hopefully I can start playing out with peeps again, I miss that.

Saturday, Mall Rated it. Went to PP mall and D & B is the devil. Ok its 1 oclock in the afternoon on a saturday, I nor anyone with me had any intention of getting drunk so why cant I come into your establishment to play video games? Thats what I thought. So I had a plan to get someone over 25 to bring me in, after 20 min and failed attempts, I gave up and we left. Went to Fluffs and watched Black Hawk down.
(tv version of course). Home now, and just got my new battery for the phone. The cat pee phone is almost up and running. Battery was just shot from all the acid's lol. I bleached and Febrezed it, it smells quite good. And a new cherry cover, makes it complete.

2 People Heart Me:

At 11/21/2005 9:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous People Heart Me...

so whats so emotional about nick? he makin you miss him? or somehting else making your life an emotional rollercoaster? huh huh what is it?

btw my word was yauah kindof a wierd word.

At 11/21/2005 1:59 PM, Blogger Jordan K People Heart Me...

No Nick is fine. It was just a very busy week. With a lot of stuff going on. A lot going on at my hall and what not. Everything is fine (phil) aka anonymous. lol


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