Pretty in Pastel

~* Jordank's Blog *~

Monday, December 19, 2005

You are my Family Tree..

Take care of me BOP BOP

Tis the season to be completly broke. The crazy thing is that I dont even buy gifts for people. I checked my bank balance today and it was $1.71 !! It gave me quite a giggle. So needless to say I picked up another Job. I have been working for CMS construction. I also offer counseling during that time. Or go to Home depot. Just some of my duties. Along with being out in the rain while picking up lumber. Good training.

Have you ever had the thought to yourself, the drive there is better then actually going. Ive been having that thought lately. Goldylocks (holly) had a gathering of sorts (lol) at her house. I road up with Fluff and D. Or should I say I drove up. They can make anything thats not a party a party. After almost driving into the Atlantic Ocean (very very close call) and almist hitting Kierstin and Bria we arrived. It was fun, tons O food, and bethelites. Ha food and bethelites. I got my dance on as usual. And then a bethelite dropped me on the ground, which was nice, thank goodness for all my padding. Asha jamela shaniqua lafwanduh destiny shampoo, was playing man-hunt cept none of the brothas knew that they were playing. Then we left and Fluff had to pee and we left him on the side of the road in the dark. haha enough said.

Sunday was the day of Dinners. First I went to a Brunch with my my closests 18 relatives (joy). Food was good at Seamens Inn. I saw Geoff and he bought me cake ! But thats nothing new. It was good to get together though, i'm happy for my parents celebrating 30 yrs. Then went to maryanns for a bit and heading to dinner # deuce at Sherrys house. All and by all I mean not Lone Ranger pioneers were there. We had a good time I was swing dancing with Linda. And then performed my arcobatic tricks for everyone. All and all a good weekend full of lots of food and probably offending a few bethelites....mission accomplished.

4 People Heart Me:

At 12/20/2005 12:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous People Heart Me...

No, most pioneer's I've seen either go around quietly, doing their thing and ignoring semi-smart brotehrs; or they chase bethelites. Poor deluded bethelites. I pity them.

At 12/20/2005 4:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous People Heart Me...

oh snap. someone wrote what i was thinking..

At 12/22/2005 12:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous People Heart Me...

Why do people have blogs if they delete all the controversial comments? That's what keeps me coming back!

At 12/22/2005 6:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous People Heart Me...

Since when do you get to pick the people in your family tree?? In my day you got the whole family together, and I mean all of it. Even the ones whose names you dont know. And you didn't get to deem anyone unworthy of a celebration of something like a wedding anniversary. HOW RUDE!


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